À partir de SGD 99,00 $SG
  • Durée: 2 Jours (environ)
  • Lieu: Batam
  • Code produit: DMCPRI

Package includes:

• 2-way ferry ticket + Singapore Departure Fee + Batam Terminal Fee (Singapore - Batam - Singapore)

• 1-night accommodation at a 3 or 4-star mystery hotel, with breakfast

• Guided city & shopping tour

• Return land transfers

• Service of a guide/ driver ( based SIC )

Package Excludes:

• Driver & Guide tip of S$4 per person per day (payable directly to the Batam Tour Guide)

• Seafood Lunch: Adult S$18 & Child S$15 per person (OPTIONAL)

Term & Condition: 

1 - Travel period: 10 October – 10 December 2024.

2 - Blackout dates on the eve of and during Singapore Public Holidays.


Singapore – Batam via Harbourfront Centre to Sekupang International Ferry Terminal DEP: 0830 hrs

Assemble at Harbourfront Centre Ferry Terminal, Collect your boarding pass and depart by high speed ferry to Batam, the journey will take estimate 45 minutes by sea, Upon arrive at Sekupang International Ferry Terminal, after Temperature Check & immigration / custom clearance, you will be greet by our friendly DESINDO’s tour guide and escorted to awaiting air-conditioned bus and proceed to visit Deer Park is a park currently inhabited by deer animals. This park was created so that visitors can interact directly with the deer that are there. Next, visit the Batam first Replica Dinosaur Park Dino Gate by own expenses, you may take photo with T-Rex, king of the tyrant lizards or interacting with Velociraptor, don’t forget to bring you have a taste of Kueh Lapis at Kueh Lapis Factory, if you like you can order on the spot and lastly drive pass to visit Cheng Ho Mosque, officially Al Islam Muhammad Cheng Hoo Mosque, is a mosque dedicated for Muslim Chinese people located in Batam of Riau Island, Indonesia. The name of the mosque is in honor to the acclaimed Muslim Chinese Admiral Zheng He. The mosque was built with a combination of architectural elements from China, Malay, and Indonesian archipelago, complete with certain parts of the mosque such as imam's residence and surrounding fence.

Lunch will be serve at Seafood Restaurant (Optional). After lunch, our journey will continue to visit Belalang Adventure Park, indulge in a myriad of exhilarating sports activities including Go Karting, ATV rides, Paintball, and Flying Fox adventures, ava ilable at your own expense, Batam Miniature Park, The park is a synopsis of Indonesian culture, with virtually all aspects of daily life in Indonesia's 32 provinces encapsulated in separate pavilions with the collections of architecture, and traditions are all depicted impeccably, Batam Coffee Factory, where you can learn about how the factory makes the coffee, from the processing and drying of the beans to the milling and even the tasting of the coffee. Upon entering into the lounge, you will be able to smell the aromatic roasted coffee and get a taste of these coffee. If you do like it, you can even buy these beans right on the spot, both grinder or the whole bean itself, shopping stop such as Golden Factory Outlets, One-stop shopping for all various branded item, Birdnest Factory Outlets is a factory based birdnest store, providing best edible birdnest quality and wholesale price, a new experience for tourist activity, Latex factory, a

natural latex mattress is made using the sap of the rubber tree. Indonesia was the second biggest exporter of natural rubber in 2022, accounting for 22 percent of worldwide sales. It is famous for providing a luxurious feel and comfort while using it, Vihara Budhi Bakti Temple which is one of the tourist attraction in Batam and a mixture of Buddhist & Taois temple & lastly drop off at Grand Batam Mall for your free and easy. Come at evening, assemble and transfer to check-in hotel. Dinner by own arrangement.

第⼀天:新加坡 – 巴淡岛 (午餐)

集合于港湾码头(HARBOUR FRONT CENTRE )集台在渡轮柜台取船票。乘船前往巴淡岛,抵达后,前往参观【花⿅园】是⽬前⿅类动物栖息的公园。 这个公园  的创建是为了让游客可以直接与那⾥的⿅互动。 这⾥的⼀群⿅遇到⼈类还是很害羞的。但这⾥的动植物种类繁多是主要的吸引⼒【DINO GATE/⾃费】体验在侏 罗纪时代,和 T-REX 暴⻰ 与 VELOCIRAPTORS 猛⻰ 观赏和拍照 也是岛上最⼤恐⻰⽂化主题公园 [千成糕⼯⼚]品尝当地著名的千成糕是印度尼⻄亚的⼀种夹⼼蛋糕,诞⽣于荷属东印度时期。将开⻋经过参观 【郑和清真寺】巴淡岛郑和清真寺是印度尼⻄亚廖内群岛的⼀座清真寺。该清真寺是印尼第⼀座以郑和的名字命名的清真寺,也号称是世界上⾸座以中国⼈姓名命名的清真寺。

午餐将安排在海边的【奎笼海鲜餐馆】 享⽤海鲜餐,新鲜美 味的海鲜让您⼀饱⼝福. 过后前往参观【BELALANG 冒险乐园】该地⽅提供各种体育活动,例如卡丁⻋、彩弹射击或⻜狐【印尼⽂化村】该公园是印度尼⻄亚⽂化的概要,印度尼⻄亚 32 个省的⽇常⽣活的⼏乎所有⽅⾯都被封装在带有建筑收藏品的独⽴展馆中,传统都被完美地描绘 来【咖啡⼯⼚】在这⾥您可以了解⼯⼚如何制作咖啡,从咖啡⾖的加⼯和⼲燥到研磨甚⾄咖啡的品尝。 ⼀进⼊休息室,便能闻到⾹

⽓扑⿐的烘焙咖啡,品鉴这些咖啡。 如果你喜欢它,你甚⾄可以当场购买这些⾖⼦,⽆论是研磨机还是整颗⾖⼦本⾝【燕窝⼯⼚直营店】是⼀家以⼯⼚为基础的燕窝商店,提供最好的⻝⽤燕窝质量和批发价格,为旅游活动提供新体验【乳胶⼯⼚】利⽤橡胶树的汁液制成天然乳胶床垫。 印尼是第⼆⼤天然橡胶出⼝国,占全球销售额的 22%。 它以在使⽤时提供奢华的感觉和舒适感⽽闻名。 它可以正确对⻬柱,甚⾄可以像记忆海绵⼀样减轻压⼒点 以及【⼤伯公庙】是当

地华⼈为⼀的⼤伯公庙祈祷,那⾥有很多信徒。在⼤院外,有许多美丽的雕像可供观赏和拍照。试⼀试街边摊,点杯咖啡。过后 发前往参观当地着名的.

【BATAM SHOPPING MALL购物中⼼】。之后返回酒店办理⼊住 (晚餐⾃理)。


Batam – Singapore via Batam Centre Ferry Terminal (BTC) to Harbourfront Centre (HFC) to RTN: 1430/1510/1600/1720/1730/1820/1830/1930 hrs

Morning Breakfast at hotel and free at own leisure until check out of hotel and assemble at hotel lobby at 1200 hrs and pick up by our friendly tour guide and transfer to

Batam Centre Ferry Terminal (BTC) & depart by high speed ferry to Harbourfront Centre Ferry Terminal (HFC) Singapore.

第⼆天:巴淡岛 - 新加坡 (早餐)

享⽤酒店早餐,酒店退房,集合于酒店⼤厅,出发前往 BATAM CENTRE 渡轮码头。乘船回返新加坡。