Desde SGD 248,00 SGD
  • Duración: 2 Días (aproximadamente)
  • Ubicación: Batam
  • Código de producto: MY1BAT

Package Includes: 

• 2-Way Ferry Ticket + All Seaport Taxes (SIN to BATAM to SIN). 

• 1-Way Batam Express Lane Upon Arrival. 

• 1 Night Ranoh Island Based on Bunk Bed Stay with 1X Set Breakfast + 1X Set Lunch + 1 Set BBQ Dinner. 

• Free activities include: Banana Boat, Canoe, Archery, Fishing, Fat Boy, Snorkeling as per itinerary. 

• Land Transfer as per itinerary. 

• Local English & Mandarin Speaking Tour Guide Assist. 

Package Exclude: 

• Local Guide & Driver Tipping of S$4/pax/day. 

• Personal Travel Insurance, Room Service, Optional Tours, Porterage Fee, Visa Fee and all expenses of purely personal nature. Upgrading Room Surcharge: 

• Upgrade from 4 Bunk Bed to 2BR Villa (Per Floor) top-up S$100/unit/night.

DAY 1 Singapore – Batam via Harbourfront Centre to Batam Centre Ferry Terminal DEP: 0740 hrs Assemble at Harbourfront Centre Ferry Terminal, collect your boarding pass, and depart by high-speed ferry to Batam. The journey will take approximately 45 minutes by sea.

 Upon arrival at Batam Centre Ferry Terminal, after temperature checks and immigration/custom clearance, you will be greeted by tour guide and escorted to an awaiting air-conditioned bus. You will then be transferred to Barelang 6th Bridge (arriving at the pier around 9:30 AM) and depart by speedboat to Ranoh Island (a 20-minute journey from Barelang 6th Bridge). 

Upon arrival at Ranoh Island, proceed with check-in at your accommodation. Afterward, enjoy the island’s activities and stunning scenery. Ranoh Island, is a stunning tropical paradise located near Batam, Indonesia. It's the perfect getaway for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse themselves in nature. Known for its crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches, and vibrant marine life, the island offers a peaceful retreat and a variety of outdoor activities. You can enjoy snorkelling, kayaking, beach volleyball, and other water sports, all while surrounded by beautiful coral reefs and scenic landscapes. 

The island also boasts cozy accommodation options for an overnight stay, providing a chance to enjoy the serene atmosphere at all times of the day. With set meals, including Korean BBQ dinners and tropical treats, guests can Savor delicious food while taking in the breathtaking views. It’s a hidden gem that combines adventure and relaxation, perfect for anyone seeking a mix of excitement and tranquillity in a picturesque island setting. Set lunch and a Korean BBQ dinner will be arranged on the island. 

Day 2 Batam – Singapore via Batam Centre Ferry Terminal to Harbourfront Centre to DEP: 1510 hrs After morning Breakfast & check-out of resort and assemble at the island pier and depart back to Batam and followed by transfer to Batam Centre Ferry Terminal for your departure back to Singapore at 1510 hrs. 

第⼀天:新加坡 – 巴淡岛 (午餐/晚餐) 请在港湾中⼼渡轮码头集合,领取登船证,并乘坐⾼速渡轮前往巴淡岛。海上航⾏时间约为 45 分钟。抵达巴淡岛中⼼渡轮码头后,经过体温检测及移⺠/海关检查,您将由导游迎接,并带您前往等候的空调巴⼠。随后,您将被送往巴瑞朗第六⼤桥(预计上午 9:30 左右到达码头),并乘坐快艇前往拉诺岛(从巴瑞朗第六⼤桥到拉诺岛的航程⼤约 为 20 分钟

)。抵达拉诺岛后,办理住宿登记。之后,您可以尽情享受岛上的活动和美丽的⻛景。 拉诺岛是位于印尼巴淡岛附近的⼀个令⼈惊叹的热带天堂,完美适合那些想远离城市喧嚣、亲近⼤⾃然的⼈。岛上以清澈⻅底的海⽔、⽩⾊沙滩和丰富的海洋⽣物⽽闻名,提供宁静的 度假体验和各种户外活动。您可以在美丽的珊瑚礁和壮丽的⾃然景观中,享受浮潜、⽪划艇、沙滩排球等⽔上运动。岛上还提供舒适的住宿选择,适合过夜停留,让您在全天任何时候 都能感受到宁静的氛围。 岛上将为您提供套餐餐⻝,包括韩式烧烤晚餐和热带美⻝,您可以在享⽤美味佳肴的同时,欣赏令⼈叹为观⽌的美景。拉诺岛是⼀颗隐秘的宝⽯,将冒险与放松完美结合,⾮常适合那 些寻找刺激与宁静兼具的游客。岛上将为您安排套餐午餐和韩式烧烤晚餐。 

第⼆天:巴淡岛 – ⽩沙岛- 新加坡 (早餐) 享⽤早餐后,办理退房⼿续,并在岛上的码头集合,乘船返回巴淡岛,随后转乘巴⼠前往巴淡岛中⼼渡轮码头,乘坐下午 3:10 的渡轮返回新加坡