5/6/7/8D Winter Canadian Rockies (Departure: 30 Apr 25 - 10 Oct 25)

- Duration: 4 Days (approx.)
- Location: Vancouver
- Product code: 528DWROCK
5-8 Days Rocky Package Tour
- 團號 / Tour Code: 4RSP05-08
- 行程天數 / Number of days: 5-8 days
- 出發地 / Departure: 溫哥華 Vancouver
- 目的地 / Destination: 加拿大西海岸及班芙洛磯山 Canada West/ Rocky Mountain/ Banff
- 出團日期 / Departure Date: 2025/4/30 – 2025/10/10
- 飽覽四大國家公園:班芙、傑士伯、優鶴、冰河國家公園,無與倫比的自然風光
- 特別游覽各大名湖:露易絲湖、夢蓮湖、沛托湖、水怪湖等,行程更豐富精彩
- 獨家最全熱門景點:巨輪冰原雪車、“天空步道”冰川玻璃橋、班芙硫磺山纜車
- 保證入住一晚班芙市中心:Canalta/ Caribou Lodge或同級,充足時間夜游班芙鎮
- 洛磯山段保證使用50座以上旅游大巴,安全舒適,免費車載Wi-Fi沿途分享樂趣(有條件限制)
- 歡迎選擇升級一晚費爾蒙春泉/岩頂酒店Fairmont Banff Spring/ The Rimrock Resort,詳情請來電查詢
- 特別贈送溫哥華市區觀光遊或奧萊名牌購物中心購物 (僅限中午12:00前已到達溫哥華機場接載旅客)
第1天 原居地 ~ 溫哥華/西雅圖
第2天 溫哥華 ~ 菲沙河谷 ~ 美麗鎮 ~ VQA釀酒廠 ~ 基隆拿市 ~ 變色湖 ~ 灰熊鎮
早上從溫哥華出發,沿景色優美之菲沙河谷公路,進入半沙漠地區之Meritt鎮。午膳後前往有水果之鄉稱譽的基隆那市Kelowna,途經水怪湖Okanogan Lake,到達觀著名VQA酒廠,免費品嚐紅、白葡萄美酒及購買世界知名的加拿大冰酒,然後前往灰熊鎮,途經維農市前又可看到美麗的變色湖。 住宿安排 Sandman / Regent Hotel Revelstoke或同級
第3天 冰河國家公園 ~ 羅渣士峽谷通道 ~ 幽鶴國家公園 ~ 露易絲湖 ~ 夢蓮湖 ~ 弓河瀑布 ~ 班芙市
住宿安排Canalta / Caribou Lodge Banff 或同級 第4天 班芙市 ~ 冰原大道 ~ 烏鴉爪冰川 ~ 弓湖 ~ 傑士伯國家公園 ~ 哥倫比亞冰原 ~ 沛托湖 早晨途經烏鴉爪冰川、弓湖,進入傑士伯國家公園,(自費)選乘巨型冰川雪車登上亞達巴斯卡冰川,體驗站立在250公尺厚的冰面上的感受,隨後漫步於懸空280公尺高的玻璃天空步道上欣賞Sunwapta山谷的絕佳景色。繼續前往依偎在海拔2,911公尺的Caldron Peak山腳下的沛托湖,由西南方沛托冰河(視政府開放時間而定),湖水中含大量的冰積石粉,在光線的反射下映照出藍中帶綠的Tiffany藍。
住宿安排 Sandman / Regent Hotel Revelstoke或同級
第5天 太平洋鐵路紀念公園 ~ 甘碌市 ~ 花旗蔘種植場 ~ 溫哥華
參觀太平洋鐵路公園的最後一根釘Last Spike,此乃貫通加拿大東西兩岸的太平洋鐵路的交接處,為紀念當年所打下最後一根釘的地點,也見證百多年前華工為該鐵路所作出的貢獻。之後前往卑斯省花旗蔘城,甘碌市位於高原旱地,最宜花旗蔘種植,參觀著名花旗蔘生產工廠,由專人講解如何種植花旗蔘及瞭解其藥效,傍晚驅車返回溫哥華。
Day 1 Hometown ~ Vancouver/Seattle
Customers arrived Vancouver airport before 12:00pm will enjoy a complimentary city tour or outlet shopping with 10%-off VIP voucher (approx. 3 hours) in Vancouver.
**Guests must provide flight information at least three days prior to departure. Failure to do so will be considered a voluntary forfeiture of the airport pick-up, half-day tour, and outlet shopping.
**Guests arriving at Seattle Airport before 12:00 PM will be picked up by and transferred to their hotel in Vancouver.
Day 2: Vancouver ~ Fraser Valley ~ Merritt ~ VQA Winery ~ Kelowna ~ Kalamalka Lake ~ Revelstoke
Depart Vancouver early in the morning, pass through Fraser Valley towards Kelowna - a well-known city for its fruit orchards with cherries & peaches. On the way you can see the famous Okanagan Lake and learn the story of the legendary lake monster “Ogopogo”. Tour stops by a famous VQA Winery, learn about the basics of wine making and enjoy tasting for free. Popular ice wine, red & white wines are available for purchase.
Accommodation: Sandman / Regent Hotel Revelstoke or similar
Day 3: Glacier National Park ~ Rogers Pass ~ Yoho National Park ~ Lake Louise ~ Moraine Lake ~ Bow Falls ~ Banff
Travel along Highway 1 towards Banff National Park in the morning. Visit the famous Rogers Pass in Glacier National Park and Yoho National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Arrive at Lake Louise, known as the "Jewel of the Rockies," where you can enjoy a (self-paid) lunch at the iconic Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise (must be reserved 7 days in advance; reservations are non-changeable and non-refundable).Next, visit the stunning Moraine Lake (open from June to mid-October, depending on government schedules). This turquoise gem, featured on the Canadian $20 bill, is a photographer’s paradise. Continue to Banff to see Bow Falls, famously featured in the Marilyn Monroe film River of No Return. Guests may (Optional) ride the Sulphur Mountain Gondola to enjoy breathtaking views from the summit. Spend free time in downtown Banff exploring shops and dining options.
Accommodation: Canalta / Caribou Lodge Banff or similar
Day 4: Banff ~ Icefields Parkway ~ Crowfoot Glacier ~ Bow Lake ~ Jasper National Park ~ Columbia Icefield ~ Peyto Lake
Take a scenic drive on Icefields Parkway to Jasper National Park. Pass through Crow-foot Glacier and Bow Lake. Arrive at Columbia Icefield, which has an area of 325sq.km and 250m in depth, take a ride on the Ice Explorer (optional) to discover the power of nature in the Athabasca Glacier. You can join the Skywalk experience (optional) on a glass-floored walkway at 280m high, extending over the Sunwapta Valley. A bird’s eye view provides the most unique perspective of nature at its finest. Afterwards, visit the Peyto Lake (opening time are subject to change), a stunning turquoise-colored lake fed by Peyto Glacier.
Accommodation: Sandman / Regent Hotel Revelstoke or similar
Day 5: Pacific Railway Memorial ~ Kamloops ~ Ginseng Plantation ~ Vancouver
Take a journey to Craigellachie where the Last Spike was driven into the Canadian Pacific Railway, a symbol of national unity in Canada. Then head to Kamloops, visit a Ginseng farm and production factory to learn about the power of Ginseng while enjoying a cup of ginseng tea. Return to Vancouver in the late afternoon. *For guests on the 5-day tour, airport drop-off will be arranged at Vancouver Airport. Please book departure flights after 10:30 PM (Seattle departures are not available).
6天團行程 6 Days itinerary:
第6天 溫哥華 ~ 原居地
Day 6 Vancouver - Hometown
離境客人乘坐酒店專車前往溫哥華機場,圓滿結束行程。Departing guests will take the hotel shuttle to Vancouver Airport, successfully concluding their trip.
**溫哥華離境當天如想參加一天行程,請訂晚上10:30pm後航班離境** / **西雅圖機場離境,建議搭乘3:30pm後航班** ** If you want to join the optional tour on the day of departure from Vancouver, please schedule your flight after 10:30pm** **For departures from Seattle Airport, it is recommended to book flights after 3:30 pm. **
7天團行程 7 Days itinerary:
第6天 自費選擇一項行程
Days 6 Any 1 of below day tour (Optional)
(A) 溫哥華一天游或Vancouver tour or
(B) 威士拿一天游 或 Whistler tour or
(C) 維多利亞一天游 或 Victoria tour or
(D) 自由活動 Free day
第7天 溫哥華 ~ 原居地 Vancouver - Hometown
離境客人乘坐酒店專車前往溫哥華機場,圓滿結束行程。 Departing guests will take the hotel shuttle to Vancouver Airport, successfully concluding their trip.
**溫哥華離境當天如想參加一天行程,請訂晚上10:30pm後航班離境** / **西雅圖機場離境,建議搭乘3:30pm後航班** ** If you want to join the optional tour on the day of departure from Vancouver, please schedule your flight after 10:30pm** **For departures from Seattle Airport, it is recommended to book flights after 3:30 pm. **
8天團行程 8 Days itinerary:
第6-7天自費選擇 兩項行程
Days 6-7 Any 2 of below day tour (Optional)
(A) 溫哥華一天游或Vancouver tour or
(B) 威士拿一天游 或 Whistler tour or
(C) 維多利亞一天游 或 Victoria tour or
(D) 自由活動 Free day(s)
第8天 溫哥華 ~ 原居地 Vancouver - Hometown
離境客人乘坐酒店專車前往溫哥華機場,圓滿結束行程。 Departing guests will take the hotel shuttle to Vancouver Airport, successfully concluding their trip.
**溫哥華離境當天如想參加一天行程,請訂晚上10:30pm後航班離境** / **西雅圖機場離境,建議搭乘3:30pm後航班** ** If you want to join the optional tour on the day of departure from Vancouver, please schedule your flight after 10:30pm** **For departures from Seattle Airport, it is recommended to book flights after 3:30 pm. **
大溫地區酒店住宿 Vancouver Hotel Selection
A) 超值團酒店住宿(送酒店早餐)
A) Value Hotel (with breakfast)
1. Accent Inn Richmond
2. Hampton Inn Richmond
3. SureStay by Best Western Richmond
4. Travelodge by Wyndham Richmond
A+) 溫哥華市中心酒店住宿
A+) Hotel in downtown
1. Barclay Hotel Downtown Vancouver
B) Featured Hotel
1. Radisson Hotel Vancouver Airport Richmond
2. Executive Airport Plaza Richmond
3. Grand Park Hotel Richmond
4. River Rock Casino & Resort Richmond
C) Deluxe Hotel
1. Sheraton Hotel Richmond
2. Hilton Hotel Richmond
3. Marriott Hotel Richmond
費用明細 Pricing
團號 Tour code: 4RSP05
溫哥華酒店類別 Hotel Type: 超值/溫市中心 Value / Downtown (including 洛基山經典特價套票
(夢蓮湖及國家公園門票+冰原雪車+冰川玻璃橋+纜車) (報名時預繳優惠價) Admissions Package
(Moraine Lake and National Park + Ice Explorer + Skywalk & Gondola) + 洛基山餐費 3 早3午2晚 (8餐)
(報名時預繳優惠價) Meal Plan 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 2 dinners (8 meals in total)
Tour Fare ($SGD) per person: 雙人房 Twin: $1,518, 第三/四位同房3rd /4th Share Room: Adult $688 Children (6-15) $608, 單人房 Single: $2,198
團號 Tour code: 4RSP06
溫哥華酒店類別 Hotel Type: 超值/溫市中心 Value / Downtown (including 洛基山經典特價套票
(夢蓮湖及國家公園門票+冰原雪車+冰川玻璃橋+纜車) (報名時預繳優惠價) Admissions Package
(Moraine Lake and National Park + Ice Explorer + Skywalk & Gondola) + 洛基山餐費 3 早3午2晚 (8餐)
(報名時預繳優惠價) Meal Plan 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 2 dinners (8 meals in total)
Tour Fare ($SGD) per person: 雙人房 Twin: $1,678, 第三/四位同房3rd /4th Share Room: Adult $768 Children (6-15) $658, 單人房 Single: $2,478
團號 Tour code: 4RSP07
溫哥華酒店類別 Hotel Type: 超值/溫市中心 Value / Downtown (including 洛基山經典特價套票
(夢蓮湖及國家公園門票+冰原雪車+冰川玻璃橋+纜車) (報名時預繳優惠價) Admissions Package
(Moraine Lake and National Park + Ice Explorer + Skywalk & Gondola) + 洛基山餐費 3 早3午2晚 (8餐)
(報名時預繳優惠價) Meal Plan 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 2 dinners (8 meals in total)
Tour Fare ($SGD) per person: 雙人房 Twin: $1,928, 第三/四位同房3rd /4th Share Room: Adult $858 Children (6-15) $748, 單人房 Single: $3,038
團號 Tour code: 4RSP08
溫哥華酒店類別 Hotel Type: 超值/溫市中心 Value / Downtown (including 洛基山經典特價套票
(夢蓮湖及國家公園門票+冰原雪車+冰川玻璃橋+纜車) (報名時預繳優惠價) Admissions Package
(Moraine Lake and National Park + Ice Explorer + Skywalk & Gondola) + 洛基山餐費 3 早3午2晚 (8餐)
(報名時預繳優惠價) Meal Plan 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 2 dinners (8 meals in total)
Tour Fare ($SGD) per person: 雙人房 Twin: $2,098, 第三/四位同房3rd /4th Share Room: Adult $878 Children (6-15) $768, 單人房 Single: $3,368
Optional add on:
Chateau Lake Louis Lunch (must prepaid 7 days in advance)
Adult: $100, Children (6-12): $60
巴士前排座位升級 Seat upgrade
自選行程【報團時必須預訂,以確保位置】Optional tour
A. 溫哥華一天游 $90/位 (大小同價)
早上遊覽溫哥華著名景點,如唐人街、煤氣鎮蒸汽鐘、加拿大廣場和冬奧火炬塔。可自費體驗4D飛越加拿大,感受四季之美。隨後前往史丹利公園探索原始森林,或自費參觀Capilano吊橋公園。最後遊覽Granville Island,享受市場、手工藝店和啤酒館的魅力。
Vancouver tour $90 per person
Start the day with Vancouver's iconic sights, including Chinatown, Gastown’s Steam Clock, Canada Place, and the Olympic Cauldron. Optionally, enjoy FlyOver Canada, a 4D journey through the seasons. Explore Stanley Park’s forest, visit Capilano Suspension Bridge Park (Optional), and end at Granville Island with its market, shops, and breweries.
B. 威士拿一天游 $100/位 (大小同價)
Whistler tour $100 per person
Whistler, the 2010 Winter Olympics venue and ski resort, is a must-see destination. Travel along the scenic Sea-to-Sky Highway, passing Horseshoe Bay and Squamish while enjoying views of the Georgia Strait. Stop briefly at Shannon Falls before reaching Whistler, known as “Little Switzerland.” Explore, shop, or take a gondola ride before returning to Vancouver.
C. 維多利亞一天游
成人 $220/ 小童(2-11) $200/ (2歲以下) $90
Victoria tour
Adult $220/ Child (2-11) $200/ (under 2) $90
Take the BC Ferry to Vancouver Island in the morning to visit the historic Butchart Gardens. In the afternoon, explore Chinatown’s Fan Tan Alley and Victoria’s Inner Harbour, featuring the Empress Hotel and Parliament Buildings. Then return to Vancouver by BC Ferry.
D. 自由活動
Free day
Plan your own sightseeing itinerary
自費項目門票 Optional Admissions
卡布蘭諾峽谷吊橋 Capilano Suspension Bridge: 成人 Adult: $85, 長者Senior(65+): $80, 青少年Youth (13-17): $45, 小童 Child (6-12): $35, 小童Child (0-5): 免费 Free
溫哥華飛越加拿大 Fly over Canada: 成人Adult (15+): $35, 小童Child (6-14)身高須高於102cm: $25
威士拿Peak2Peak觀光纜車 Peak2Peak Gondola: 成人Adult: $160, 長者Senior(65+): $140, 青少年Youth (13-17): $130, 小童 (7-12歲): $80, 小童Child (0-5): 免费 Free
* 如遇上威士拿觀光Peak2Peak纜車維修/暫停時段,將特別安排前往位於Squamish的海天纜車「Sea to Sky Gondola」Only when Whistler Peak2Peak is closed due to weather or maintenance, we will arrange「Sea to Sky Gondola」at Squamish instead
* 歡迎選擇升級一晚費爾蒙春泉/岩頂酒店,詳情請來電查詢Optional hotel upgrade available for Fairmont Banff Spring/ The Rimrock Resort, please contact us for details
* 自選旅游項目行程因應洛基山團出發日期而有可能有所調動Optional tour itineraries may be adjusted based on the departure date of the Rocky Mountain tour.
* 所有景點門票收費,開放時間及日期,均以主辨機構公佈為準 (自選旅游項目只適用於6/7/8天團) All admission, open days & time depend on official organizers
接機注意事項Notes for airport pick-up:
1) 溫哥華 (YVR) 抵達:(a)國內航班請於3號行李帶處集合;(b)國際航班請於接機大廳的圖騰木雕像旁集合。
Arrival at Vancouver (YVR): (a) For domestic flights, please gather at the baggage carousel No.3; (b) For international flights, please gather at the totem statue in the international arrival hall.
2) 團體免費接機服務 (YVR) 09:00am - 21:00pm,需要在機場等候其他當天抵達旅客;西雅圖Quick Shuttle乘客接站位於River Rock Casino Resort 酒店門口。
Free pick-up service for groups (YVR) 09:00am - 21:00pm, need to wait for other passengers at the airport; Seattle Quick Shuttle passengers could be picked up at the entrance of the River Rock Casino Resort (please contact us for details).
3) 個人自費接機服務 (YVR) 08:00am - 22:00pm,隨接隨走,前2位共收$150, 每加1人加$15/位。
Private pick-up service at cost (YVR) 08:00am - 21:00pm, pick up and go, the first and second person will be charged for a total of $170, each additional person will be charged $20/person.
4) 溫哥華郵輪碼頭接送$20/程/位 09:00am於Pan Pacific Hotel門前等候(只適用於溫哥華抵達)。
Vancouver Cruise terminal pick-up is $25/way/person at 09:00 in front of Pan Pacific Hotel (only applicable to cruise ship arrivals in Vancouver).
5) 西雅圖 (SEA) 機場接機 (每位客人另收單程$80/來回$150) 請於12:00pm 到14號行李帶處集合 (其餘客人可13:00於太空針登車) 。
For airport pick-up at Seattle Airport (SEA), an additional $90 per person per single trip/ $170 per return trip, please gather at baggage claim No.14 by 12:00 PM. (Other guests can board at the Space Needle at 1:00 PM.)
出發日期Departure date
4月30日 - 6月30日 (30th Apr – 30th Jun)
- 團號 Tour code: 4RSP05 & 4RSP05
Every Mon, Wed & Fri
- 團號 Tour code: 4RSP07
Every day except Sat
- 團號 Tour code: 4RSP08
天天出發 Everyday
6月30日 - 8月30日 (30th Jun – 30th Aug)
- 團號 Tour code: 4RSP05 & 4RSP05
Every Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat
- 團號 Tour code: 4RSP07 & 4RSP08
天天出發 Everyday
8月31日 - 10月10日 (31st Aug – 10th Oct)
- 團號 Tour code: 4RSP05 & 4RSP05
Every Mon, Wed, Fri
- 團號 Tour code: 4RSP07
Every day except Sat
- 團號 Tour code: 4RSP08
天天出發 Everyday
團費包括Tour price includes:
☆ 華人領隊隨團照顧Guiding service is mainly conducted in Cantonese & Mandarin. English is offered as subsidiary
☆ 乘設有空調之旅遊客車Air conditioned coach.
☆ 觀光行程Itinerary as follows
☆ 洛基山經典特價套票 (夢蓮湖及國家公園門票+冰原雪車+冰川玻璃橋+纜車) (報名時預繳優惠價) Admissions Package
(Moraine Lake and National Park + Ice Explorer + Skywalk & Gondola)
☆ 洛基山餐費 3 早3午2晚 (8餐) (報名時預繳優惠價) Meal Plan 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 2 dinners (8 meals in total)
☆ 酒店住宿 (雙人房均為一張或兩張床;三人/四人房均為兩張床或一張大床加沙發床,每房最多只可容納四人)
Hotel accommodation is based on double occupancy with maximum two beds in a room (include sofa bed), no extra bed will be provided for 3rd or 4th person sharing the same room. Maximum 4 people can be accommodated in one room. 團費不包括
團費不包括 Tour price excludes:
☆ 司機及領隊服務費(每位客人$15/天) Mandatory service fee for tour guide & driver $15/person/day
☆ 私人性質之費用Any personal expenses
☆ 自費項目門票 Optional Admissions
☆ 自選行程【報團時必須預訂,以確保位置】Optional tour
☆ GST 5%
☆ 如無購買景點套票,需加收國家公園門票每位$40. If guest do not purchase Admission package, must pay CAD40 for National park fee.
遊客須知Terms & Conditions:
☆ 每人只限小行李一件,額外行李費為每件$35。 Each passenger is allowed to bring one piece of check in luggage and one hand-on carry, additional piece of luggage surcharge CAD$35.00 each.
☆ 為公平起見,每日更換座位一次或付費預定巴士前五排座位。 To be fair to everyone, we will rotate the seats on the bus each day for those who haven’t purchase for front rows.
☆ 酒店房間只設兩床,按消防條例規定,每房只可容納四人,酒店內不允許吸煙,否則罰款US$300。 The hotel room has 2 beds, according to the fire regulations, each room can accommodation a maximum of 4 people. Smoking is straightly prohibited inside hotel; violation will be fined USD$300.00 at your own risk.
☆ 請準時抵達出發地點,如因遲到不能成行,所付費用恕不退還,建議客人自行購買旅遊保險以確保個人利益。
☆ Please be on time at your pick up point, if you are late and missed the bus, all the tour fares paid are non-refundable. Customers are advised to purchase travel insurance by themselves for their own interest.
☆ 鑒於可能發生之變化或參加人數不足,本公司保留於出發前更改或取消旅行團之權利,如數退還已繳付之費用,本公司不負任何其他責任,團員不可藉故要求賠償。In view of possible changes or insufficient number of participants, First Express Travel reserves the right to change or cancel the tour prior to departure, and will fully refund the tour fees paid. Our company does not bear any other responsibility; tour member can’t demand any unreasonable compensation.
☆ 未滿19歲客人獨自參團,於報名時必須提交監護人有效同意書(英文) 。Guests under the age of 19 must submit a valid guardian's consent form (English) when registering.
☆ 凡因證件問題不能入境者,一概與本公司無關,所繳費用亦不獲退款 。Those who cannot enter the country due to document problems, the tour fee paid will not be refunded.